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Welcome to Woodrow Wilson Academy’s before and after school program for ages 5-12, known as Wildcat Care!


Wildcat Care offers a fun and enriching environment where children have opportunities for recreation, quiet study time, and play-based games and activities. We follow Woodrow Wilson’s school calendar and provide before school care from 6:30am to 7:45am and after school care from 3:00pm-6:00pm. Drop in care may be available should you find the need to have your child stay for Wildcat Care. We ask that you please notify the front office by 2pm so that proper arrangements can be made. A snack card is available for purchase if you would prefer not to provide your own. Please refer to the Family Handbook for more information.


Students not picked up at the school by 3:25 PM will be checked into the Wildcat Care program. Children left at the program after 6:05pm will be charged $1.00 per minute per child. If a child is left at the center after 6:00pm we will contact all Emergency Contacts we have on file. If we cannot reach any contacts by 6:30pm, the authorities/social services will be notified.


Feel free to contact our WCC Director Brigitte Green for any further questions.




See below for upcoming dates! Click on the date for info and sign up link.



March 7th & 17th-19th!

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