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Mrs. Pommer

My name is Kasey Pommer and I am one of the fifth grade teachers here at Woodrow Wilson Academy. I originally hail from Minnesota (Skol, Vikings!) where I received my teaching degree and licensure from Minnesota State University Moorhead. During the fall of 2002, my husband and I moved to Arizona, where I taught 3rd grade for three years before we moved here to beautiful Colorado. My career at WWA began in the fall of 2005, as a third grade teacher for four years, then eventually a fifth grade teacher where I have been ever since!

Both of my sons are attending/have attended Woodrow since Pre-K and we love it here. In my free time, you can find me chasing around my boys with all of their activities, cooking up yummy things to eat, exploring this breath-taking state that we live in, competitively challenging people to a board or card game, or just enjoying time with family and friends.

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